Lagopus mutus
The period that sits on an egg. Bathing sand.
A female Lagopus mutus of a period sitting on an egg
When a fine day continues,
a female Lagopus mutus of a period sitting on an egg bathes dry sand.
A female Lagopus mutus of a period sitting on an egg leaves a den in bait
and sand bathing to pick of morning and evening.
The female which does sand bathing.
A female Lagopus mutus of a period sitting on an egg makes the place of bait
and the place of sand bathing near a nest.
A Lagopus mutus does sand bathing in order to prevent a parasitic worm sticking to a feather.
While a female does sand bathing,
the male which there was by a female protects a female from an invasion male.
Remove sand by feather vibration.
When sand bathing of a female Lagopus mutus is over,
a female lets a feather vibrate and drops sand.
The female which eats a bud of Pinus pumila
The female which eats the evening, a bud of Pinus pumila.
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